Saturday 11 February 2017

TIME: Master Or Slave

One of the most common phrases we use or hear from others is ‘Please be on time’. It is considered to be one of the most vital aspects in human life. Being on time is considered gentlemanly, an etiquette that must be followed. Why? Seriously, why is time such a big deal?
Think about it this way, we’re talking about something which we created for our own convenience, something that might not even exist beyond this world. The fact is we humans run around for our entire life in pursuit of being on time. Basically, we run behind something that might or might not even exist, yet it is given so much value. Like most human inventions, we have become slaves of what we have created.

I’m not saying here that being on time is a bad thing. It isn’t, especially today, where time is considered of vital importance. But why on earth is time of supreme importance? Why is it that we fall short of it? Why is it that we are always thinking about time while doing anything in our life?
Time is of paramount importance, the fundamental principle of human life. But is it really meant to be the fundamental principle of human life? The past, present and future are all centered on time. But just consider this for a moment, what if we take it out of the work-frame entirely? What if we start living without giving a damn about time? Our lives are concentrated on a concept so abstract; we base the whole universe around it. Based on time, we plan, we invent, hell we create parallel universes on this .We are trying to create Atlantis on a sand particle. Maybe this concept was created by our ancestors just to organize their lives around something. But this concept, so definite yet so shallow has in a way made life so psychedelic , it makes me wonder as to how would life be if we live without time? There would be chaos, confusion for sure, but there would also be an odd sense of freedom. Our existing system would collapse in its entirety, giving rise to something new, something unique, something wild even.

This article ventures into an entirely different zone, even confusing, but the reason I wrote this is because I spent all of last night thinking about this. Our life revolves so much around time, that we barely even stop to consider it. A sentence which I believe can make us sad during the happiest of times and happy during the saddest of times is ‘This time shall pass.’ Yet, I feel that it shouldn’t be time which should control our lives. We invented time; we should be its bosses. We care too much about time, while forgetting that it is just a concept. Most of you might not agree with me on this, but I feel that instead of us running after time, we need to remember that there is more to our lives than this. We need to learn to just live in our own ways, stop this running around for a bit maybe. I know this article feels pretty muddled up, disagreeable even. Perhaps, it is the youth and inexperience in me talking, but I really wish that we start concentrating on the marvel our life is, Instead of thinking about its duration.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Peace And Perspective.

Hey guys, it’s been a long time since last wrote an article. I majorly being a CA student got caught up with my classes and stuff. While the Co-Author was busy with his exams. We are going a Little bit off our main idea here, but we felt the need to share this thought process somewhere due to some things  we’ve witnessed In recent times as well as the scenario of today’s world.

I have a habit of sitting on the last benches everywhere I go be it school, class or college. It helps me think out of the box at times. Sitting at the last bench I was quite exited for the new professor who was appointed to teach us a few topics of accounts. When the lecture bell rang I saw a true professional walking towards the board. With his aggressive persona he started his introduction. By this time I had already guessed that he was related to army in one way or the other. I silently congratulated myself a few moments later when I was proved right. That man had undergone training to the join the armed forces. As he started sharing his experience about the front lines, I was quite exited for the lecture, but there were some elements of his experiences which left me intrigued. This was the point where I drifted off to my own thoughts.

The part where we compare us with other countries troubles me the most. We got independence in 1947 a few decades after that we were at war with our neighbor Pakistan for a few years. Those times were really horrific and sad for both the nations, but even in 2017 we are holding grudges against a whole country for what they did a few years ago. It had always been taught to us, The New Generation to have a small hatred towards them in one way or the other. Now some of the readers may find this article or my whole thought process rubbish, but I think this thought will make a difference. We are so busy hating each other just because of something that has happened in past, that we forget how beautiful the present it and how amazing the future can be if we work towards it.
I think Peace cannot be defined, it is a perspective of an individual being.” For War We Need Peace and For Peace We Need War”. We all call ourselves superior beings, we say we are better than animals but we all have the same territorial instinct. We have confined ourselves to one place one territory which is not really helping us grow. If we just look at the choices we have in our lives we may make a difference in the future. We the future generation have a choice of not continuing this trend of hatred. Instead let’s have a healthy competition of good human beings.

We all have the choice to be good towards our neighbors’, I am sure 90% of The Indians don’t even know what Pakistan really looks on the inside. Same goes towards other big super powers of the globe. Half of the world leaders already have a backup ready if a war happens. Why do you even want a war to happen, just because a few leaders are not satisfied with what they have doesn’t mean there is need for war in the world now. Terrorism is also a perspective of a few people who are leading a few others down their path. We cannot and should not blame a whole race of people or a whole country for that.

I think our generation has strong choice and say in where we want to lead this beautiful and magnificent world. We have a choice to maintain good relations with other countries and people living there. I think the world would be a better place if we have a healthy conflict of our thoughts and not the kind of conflict that leads to death, violence and disturbs the life of people.
I hope our readers a say of their own and I would love to hear your views on this topic in the comments section. Please do share and like our content, Hope you guys enjoy our blog.