Wednesday 21 December 2016

When Did All The Confusion Start?

Hey guys, How You Doin? The first thing that came up in your mind when we asked this question was Joey,wasn't it? .

But after that,what comes to your mind? Whenever anyone asks me today,'What's going on in life?', the first thing that comes to my mind is confusion,utter confusion.That's not the reply we give though, majority of us say 'Everything's okay', which makes things seem even more confusing in general,but nevertheless it's a standard reply.Today, as I sit down, pondering about what my life and the lives around me have become in general,I wonder, when did all this confusion started??Maybe we'll find some answers if we look back in our memories a bit........

The night sky was my first love.I always loved seeing a clear sky,with stars scattered all over it,emptiness spread around me.Love may be subjective,such as a pet,or a sport,or any environment in general,but it holds true for everyone.My love for the stars was my first choice for a career,as I, an excitable 9 year old would declare with utter belief that 'I want to become an astronaut.' Here I am,9 years later.My love for  stars and skies remains intact,but my ambition of becoming an astronaut doesn't. It faded into oblivion a long time back.I'm sure most of you guys could relate to this situation.We don't regret it,but we sure do miss,or envy even, that 9 year old who had a certainty,an aim,and the ability to remain clear.Today, we move on, pursuing a degree in which most of us have absolutely no interest in,yet our reasons for choosing this degree are compelling,forcing us to continue. We don't really understand what to do!.CONFUSION!

All of us have many aspects to our personality.If I talk about myself,I'm a different person in different situations. I might come out as a big time,confident extrovert,such as Tony Stark in a few situations as well as a quiet,under-confident personality such as Barry Egan from the Adam Sandler starrer Punch Drunk Love and also an introvert in most situations. People might say that I'm both of these personalities,but really,who am I?Which of these do I really want to be?CONFUSION!

As teenagers,most of us are just getting introduced to the real world. Fast changing dynamics in society are showing us glimpses of politics in college itself.Whom to trust,whom not to trust is now a big dilemma. The supposed friends we make in college who last us a lifetime,do they really exist? Will this turn out to be the golden period of our lives,as promised by our parents?What do we do?CONFUSION!

I am sure for many of us out there our second home is THE FRIENDZONE . I may not be old,or experienced even, but it makes me cringe when I see 12 year old kids boasting about the number of relationships they've been in.At the age of making lemonade these kids are talking to each other about their lemons and chillies.Kids this was pun Intended...oh but wait you don't know what a pun is.

 But on a serious note It makes me feel confused about love and relationships. What do we do when we're busy trying to discover ourselves?How do we handle the supposed complexities of relationships with our highly confused state of mind?

We are pretty confused and unsure of what life holds for us in general.I may or may not be alone in this aspect,but one thing is for sure,I do miss that kid who had an uncomplicated emotional quotient,who could trust easily,who was headstrong without even knowing that he was,who enjoyed himself in ways that he'd cherish without being confused.

Every age group has a thought process of their own. Readers older than our generation would be thinking about how we teenagers complicate our lives unnecessarily,but I'm sure that we'll all learn with experience,our confusions will slowly but surely get sorted.

To anyone who finds this post even mildly relatable,I'd say this, buddy,we're all in this together.After all,GROWING UP ISN'T EASY!

Thank You for reading!Do share your valuable feedback below.Stay tuned for our next article!

Monday 5 December 2016


Hey guys! So we've started this blog with the aim of writing anything which happens in our day to day lives,which we feel might resonate with our readers.This blog has been created by us to voice out our thoughts, our opinions and our views on day to day topics that matters .Through this blog,we intend to share our experiences with the world and show our readers that they're not alone in the phases that they go through in their life.Being a part of socially active generation such as ours We would  like to clarify that we ourselves are pretty young,so the experiences we share and opinions that we voice are just a part of our learning process.The ideology behind this blog is that of  being read,accepted and understood by our readers and we hope that we will succeed with your support . This is not a platform where we intend to write our 'Dear Diary' moments , but a strong medium through which we would like to highlight how people of our generation  think and go about their day to day lives .We aim at capturing and depicting the phase of teenagehood in particular,and we hope we're successful in showcasing the same.Lastly,all of our opinions and stories which will be posted in the future are not meant to offend anyone in any way.Our content is also not meant to be copied without permission.Hoping for your constant support and  feedback.Stay Tuned!